Wine and Waivers

Fractured Thumbs and Lots of "Um"s

Diane, Tanya, and Karlee Season 1 Episode 16

The bitches are down one this week as Karlee is recovering from a freak back injury (bet you'll never guess how that happened). While there's a shortage of sexcapades being shared this week, Diane and Tanya got you covered with some sit/start options in the first episode of the season with NO waiver picks. They're also sticking to the spiced holiday wine train with another delicious red that'll keep you warm this holiday season. Or if you're like the girls and live in hot ass Florida, they've got a nice Rosè that'll keep you feeling more refreshed than a man FINALLY getting over his man flu. So, whether you're chugging your drink of choice tonight, or nursing it like Mahomes nurses his hand, join the ladies for yet another hilarious, yet still informative, episode to help you into the finals of your fantasy league!